A good attendance and support from our Clevedon club and from the Nuffield Health club. I know that this has given a boost to those who have attended and thank you for your support.
I know this is repeated but it is important. There will be no training at Tickenham Hall on July 4th as there is a play on that week. We shall for the very first time be taking a break over the summer holidays. There will be no Clevedon training on the two weeks from 1st August, so the Wednesdays of the 1st & 8th and Fridays of 3rd & 10th. Our Yatton club will be closed over the summer holidays as the school uses the hall as a base for refurbishment of the classes. Likewise, Nuffield Health have told me we need to close on the Saturdays of 4th & 11th August. To be fair, those are the two weeks where the numbers drop due to holidays. At Nuffield Health on the Saturdays of August 18th, 25th and September 1st we will train from 10.00 to 11.30. This is because we were often left with only one or two for the second session. To help with the timing, students will be able to train at whatever time is the best for them over these weeks. Please talk to me if you are not sure of anything.
The grading date for Nuffield Health is July 7th. Everyone must be there before 10.00 as grading is taken in one group session. Parents as always are welcome to stay and watch. Please make sure you have a photo in the licence.
The Clevedon grading is on July 8th at All Saints Church from 13.00 to 16.00.
4th Jake Wright, Sonia Backhouse, 12th Elysia Hill, 15th Lola Cassim & Luke Jefferies, 23rd Lucas Davies & Lewis Cocking, 24th Dan Milnor, 26th Evelyn Wilczoch, 27th Charlie Ford.
Luke Jefferies, Michael Browning
Sara Patrick, Annabel Fear, Delylah and Ysabelle Waller.
Clevedon - Oliver Clarke
Nuffield Health - Tula Cassim